Maps and Tabletops
There are many sources of suitable images for use as maps:, RPG PDFs, such as the Paizo Adventure Paths, or your own creations. You can ...
Sun, 27 Nov, 2016 at 2:36 AM
You can add an image of your own as an object on an EpicTable map or tabletop using the "Add Image" button on the "Items" tab.
Sun, 27 Nov, 2016 at 2:13 AM
Need 4 giant spiders in a hurry? How about a few rocks?
Any character token or notecard or image object on a map or tabletop can be duplicated usin...
Sun, 27 Nov, 2016 at 1:50 AM
As a GM, when you create or open a map, it's shown as a tab in the tabbed area that takes up the bulk of the EpicTable window. GMs and players alik...
Sun, 26 Feb, 2017 at 12:23 AM